In Swedish »

Coronavirus covid-19 information for visitors

Like the rest of the world, Östersund has been affected and adjustments are made due to Covid-19. As a visitor, you can take part in many outdoor activities where we can offer large areas with relatively few people. You can also rest assured that our attractions, restaurants, cafes and accommodation facilities follow the official regulations made, so that you all can enjoy your stay in Östersund.

The government, at the advice of the Public Health Authority has taken the decision to that without a vaccination certificate, there are also requirements for distance between the companies, a maximum size of 8 people within the company and a maximum number of 500 guests or participants.

There will be a lot of events, meetings and conferences that will be affected in Östersund.

Canceled and postponed events due to the Coronavirus Covid-19

Please keep updated on each event on their own website regarding postponements or cancellations.

Ticketmaster ticketmaster.se/corona
Nortic: https://www.nortic.se/hjalpcenter

Read more about the decision from the government here

For more information about the corona virus covid-19

Folkhälsomyndigheten  Public health agency of Sweden

Krisinformation.se Emergency information from Swedish authorities