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Welcome to “hembygdsgårdarna”!

Around Östersund there are several fine local heritage farmes. In swedish they are called hembygdsgårdar. They refer to places where local culture and history are preserved and displayed, often with old buildings, museums, and sometimes with traditional activities or events.
Celebrate Midsummer, have a cup of coffee with a mug and take part in the homesteads’ wide range of different activities.

Local heritage farms in Östersund

Kyrkås Hembygdsgård – Rustmästargården is located by Kyrkås old church. The farm is open during the summer months with coffee and waffles served every Sunday. The Midsummer celebration is a well-established tradition, which is now in its fourth decade. For more information see website: hembygd.se/kyrkas

Midsommar Stocketitt

Frösö Hembygdsgård Stocke Titt – Here, in a historic setting, there is a summer cafe, observation tower, bakery and play and balancing track for children. Exhibition about the life of the schoolboys in the Trivialskolan 200-300 years ago. Midsummer celebration and Dragon Festival. For more information see website: hembygd.se/froson


Lit’s hembygdsgård has nice play environments for children with a playhouse and work horse. At Hembygdsgården, we manage a large number of buildings and objects from the village. The Fat Tuesday party, national and midsummer celebrations and Christmas market are organized here. During the summer, Hembygdsgården is open for visits from midsummer to mid-August with a summer café and serving waffles, stews and home-baked coffee bread.  More information on website: hembygd.se/lits

Brunflo Hembygdsgård is beautifully situated in Lillgrytan, two kilometers north of Brunflo, on a small hill west of the railway fully visible from the E14/E45. The farm has ancient origins and was called Lill-Grytan. It has previously been both an inn and a courthouse. During the summer, musical evenings and storytelling evenings are organised. Hembygdsgården is one of the stops on the St. Olavsleden, the world’s northernmost pilgrimage trail. Here is a box with a stamp for a pilgrim’s passport. Summer cafe.
For more information see website:  hembygd.se/brunflo

Jämtland’s Railway Museum Association has its small museum next to Brunflo railway station open on Saturdays between 11.00 and 15.00 summer time.
The museum displays a unique old switchgear, photos and artifacts from earlier times and has a model railway that amuses children of all ages.

Häggenås Hembygdsgård Tistegården
During the summer, there will be a flea market with cafe pub evenings and church services.
For more information see: facebook

Marieby Hembygdsgård
Marieby Hembygdsgård is located in a nice old farm environment.
More information for summer 2024 at: facebook

Lockne Hembygdsgård in Löfsåsen
For information on activities in the summer of 2024 see: hembygd.se/lockne

Old Lugnvik
National Day celebrations in Semsparken and other activities during the summer
More informationhembygd.se/gamla-lugnvik